Informationen Tagung 2006 Tagung 2003


Gesundheit - ein Informationsproblem !

Health - an Information Problem!

    Rezepte   ●   Grundlagen   ●   Ernähnung   ●   Vollwertkost

Radiation (5G-Internet, Mobile Phone, Microwave)   ●   Artificial intelligence - AI   ●   Bass-Culture (English)

More English information and links:

Please visit / Consciousness / Our health,
contact us ( or use DeepL to translate.

Hinweis: Der ehemalige  
Arbeitskreis der GesundheitsberaterInnen GGB in Zürich
hat sich neu organisiert. Bitte besuchen Sie ...
Gesundheitsberatung Schweiz
Ganzheitlich orientierte Gesundheits- und Ernährungsberatung Schweiz
Integral health and nutrition counseling Switzerland
(use DeepL to translate)



Rezepte / Recipes:


Wholemeal Bread - simple, good & tasty

Wholemeal Psyllium Bread - simple, soft & moist

Certified organic grains and freshly milled, stone ground flour and other cereal produce are available at Milmore Downs (North Canterbury, New Zealand).




Grundlagen / Basics:


Gezielt Gesund Bleiben , Kurzes Faltblatt (4 Seiten) der Gesellschaft für Gesundheitsberatung GGB

GGB Gesund durch richtige Ernährung (16 Seiten, Kopie der älteren Ausgabe)
oder d
ie aktuelle original LVA Brochüre GGB Gesund durch richtige Ernährung
der Gesellschaft für Gesundheitsberatung GGB

"Wie kann ich meine Gesundheit erhalten", Originalvortrag von Dr. Bruker (1:32 Std. auf YouTube)

Buchempfehlungen "Aus der Sprechstunde", Dr. med. M. O. Bruker, u.a., emu-Verlag

Der Gesundheitsberater, Fachzeitschrift und Organ der Gesellschaft für Gesundheitsberatung GGB




Ernährung, Gentechnik, Microwelle:


Wir essen uns krank, Bund und Kantone sagen dem Zucker den Kampf an

"Mehr als die Hälfte der nichtübertragbaren Erkrankungen könnten mit einem gesunden Lebensstil vermieden oder zumindest verzögert werden. Dies hält das Bundesamt für Gesundheit fest. Nun legen Bund und Kantone einen Massnahmen Plan vor." SRF 10vor10, 24.11.2016


Agro-Gentechnik verursacht Gesundheitsschäden

Offener Brief zur geplanten Novellierung des Gentechnik-Gesetzes an Landwirtschaftsminister Seehofer, Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel, Bundesministerin für Gesundheit Ulla Schmidt, etc., Gesellschaft für Gesundheitsberatung GGB, 1.6.2006; vgl. auch: Blauen-Institut


"We Feed The World"

Ein Bericht zum aktuellen Film über Ernährung, Globalisierung und über den Mangel im Überfluss. Interviews mit Jean Ziegler, UN-Sonderberichterstatter für das Recht auf Nahrung, Fischer, Bauern, Fernfahrer und Konzernmanager (z.B. Peter Brabeck, Konzernchef Nestlé). (


«Hände weg vom Mikrowellenherd!»

Expertenstudie einer Schweizer Universität und eines Umweltbiologischen Instituts über die Auswirkungen auf Nahrung und Gesundheit: «Die destruktiven Auswirkungen reichen von der Schädigung der Zellmembranen, anaerober Atmung, gestörter Zellteilung, über Hämolyse, Leukämie und genetischen Veränderungen bis zur völligen Lahmlegung der natürlichen Kreisläufe». See also "Are Microwave Ovens a Source of Danger?"  (Special report in The Journal of Natural Science, 2002 ), which quotes this Swiss study and provides an overview to the controversy around microwave ovens.




Vitalstoffreiche Vollwertkost:

Pressemitteilung zur Tagung vom 23.9.2006
Pressemitteilung zur Tagung vom 22.2.2003

Die fundamentalen Probleme steigender Krankheitskosten!
(Leserbrief vom 7.1.2003 an Eidgenössische Gesundheitskasse, 'Mir z'lieb')


Selber backen - mit frisch gemahlenem Mehl !
(Leserbrief vom 8.1.2003 an 'Natürlich - Die Zeitschrift für Mensch und Umwelt')

Fabrikzucker als eine Hauptursache ernährungsbedingter Zivilisationskrankheiten!
(Leserbrief vom 9.1.2003 an 'Der Schweizerische Beobachter')
Gesunde Ernährung schützt vor Herzinfarkt!
(Leserbrief vom 10.1.2003 an 'Puls Tipp, Das Schweizer Gesundheitsmagazin')
Stärker durch vitalstoffreiche Vollwertkost!
(Leserbrief vom 12.1.2003 an 'Schweizer Familie')
Gesundheits-Check: Ganz einfach gesund durch Beachtung der Schöpfungsgesetze!
(Leserbrief vom 14.1.2003 an 'Stern - Das deutsche Magazin')
Nachtrag zu diesen Informationen:

Den erwähnten ernährungsbedingten Zivilisationskrankheiten liegt die sogenannte Regel der 20 Jahre zugrunde, die u.a. von den englischen Forschern T. L. Cleave und G. D. Campbell ("Diabetes, Coronary Thromboses, and the Saccharine Disease", Verlag John Wright & Sons Ltd. Bristol) beschrieben wurde. Es dauert bis zu mehreren Jahrzehnten, bis diese ernährungsbedingten Zivilisationskrankheiten ausbrechen. Ihnen allen liegt die gleiche Ursache einer Mangelernährung durch Fabriknahrungsmittel zugrunde, wie sie in den oben gegebenen Informationen (Leserbriefen) beschrieben ist. Die aufgeführten Erkrankungen sind also keine altersbedingten Erkrankungen, sondern ernährungsbedingte Zivilisationskrankheiten die erst nach Jahrzehnte langer falscher Ernährung (oft erst im Alter) auftreten. (25.1.2003)

Auskünfte bei:

Susanne Weder-Schäfer, Gesundheitsberaterin GGB
Zeisigweg 12, CH-8038 Zürich

Telefon:   044 482 4632
E-Mail:     Susanne.Weder (@)




Radiation (5G-Internet, Mobile Phone, Microwave):


Stop 5G on Earth and in Space (INTERNATIONAL APPEAL)

An Emergency Appeal to the World’s Governments by Scientists, Doctors, Environmental Organizations and Others (in all languages, in allen Sprachen), 2019.

5G Danger: 13 Reasons 5G Wireless Technology Will Be a Catastrophe for Humanity,
Global Research, September 24, 2019 (e.g. “It’s interesting to note that in the last 20 years [since the use of mobile phones] we have lost 80% of our insects. And if we get 5G, we’re going to lose 100% of our insects. When the insects go, we go too. ...” and "Insurance companies (the most famous of which is Lloyds of London) have made headlines by refusing to insure Big Wireless (the telecommunication corporate conglomerate) against wi-fi and 5G-related illnesses and claims...").

New Earth Project, 23 Mar 2019, A full length documentary by Sacha Stone exposing the 5G existential threat to humanity in a way we never imagined possible! ...

Mobilfunk verursacht Zell-Schäden ("Mobile phone communication causes cell damage") (use DeepL to translate)
Eine überwiegend von der Europäischen Union finanzierte Studie belegt nach Angaben der Forscher erstmals im Labor Schäden und Veränderungen von Genen durch Handystrahlung ("According to the researchers, a study mainly funded by the European Union proves for the first time in the laboratory damage and changes in genes caused by mobile phone radiation"), 25.03.2005. Vgl. auch Dachverband der Bürger und Initiativen zum Schutz vor Elektrosmog, sowie "Mobilfunk macht krank" beim Informationszentrum gegen Mobilfunk

"Are Microwave Ovens a Source of Danger?"  (Special report in The Journal of Natural Science, 2002 ), which quotes the following expert study from Switzerland and provides an overview to the controversy around microwave ovens. See also the expert study «Keep your hands away from microwave ovens!» in German language («Hände weg vom Mikrowellenherd!») by a Swiss university and an environmental biology institute on the effects on food and health: "The destructive effects range from damage to cell membranes, anaerobic respiration, impaired cell division, hemolysis, leukemia and genetic changes to the complete paralysis of natural cycles" (translated with DeepL).



Artificial intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI):


Sam Altman: CEO of OpenAI calls for US to regulate artificial intelligence, BBC, 17.5.023

«... ChatGPT and other similar programmes can create incredibly human-like answers to questions - but can also be wildly inaccurate. ... Republican Senator Josh Hawley said the technology could be revolutionary, but also compared the new tech to the invention of the "atomic bomb". Democrat Senator Richard Blumenthal observed that an AI-dominated future "is not necessarily the future that we want". ...»


We have put the world in danger with AI, admits ChatGPT creator, Sydney Morning Herald, 17.5.023

«... Tech companies are in danger of unleashing a rogue artificial intelligence that will cause “significant harm to the world” without urgent intervention by governments, the creator of ChatGPT has admitted. Appearing before US politicians, OpenAI chief executive Sam Altman lauded the new generation of digital chatbots for their potential to “improve nearly every aspect of our lives”. However, he admitted that they had also created the risk of a catastrophe, amid growing fears that programmers could accidentally create a superintelligence that decides to wipe out humanity. ... so-called “generative AI” can also create fake images, audio and videos that are almost imperceptibly lifelike, raising the prospect of widespread political manipulation and fake news. OpenAI has previously admitted not fully understanding how it works.»


New research maps 14 potential evolutionary dead ends for humanity and ways to avoid them, Stockholm Resilience Centre Stockholm University 2023, The Royal Society, 13.11.2023

«... The new study shows how humanity could get stuck in “evolutionary traps” — dead ends that occur from initially successful innovations. In a first scoping effort, they identify 14 of these, including the simplification of agriculture, economic growth that does not deliver benefits for humans or the environment, the instability of global cooperation, climate tipping points, and artificial intelligence. ... A very simple thing that everybody can do is to engage more in nature and society while also learning about both the positive and negative global consequences of our own local actions. There’s nothing better than exposing yourself to what needs protecting.»




Electronically generated bass-amplified «boom-boom-boom» noise
(still called music by some)

"The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that some 1.1 billion teenagers and young adults are at risk of developing hearing loss due to exposure to recreational noise such as music."

Young Adults’ Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding “Music” and “Loud Music” Across Countries: Applications of Social Representations Theory, Frontiers in Psychology, CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS article 25.6.2019, Sec. Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 10 - 2019,

This article is part of the Research Topic: The Influence of Loud Music on Physical and Mental Health


Music and Noise: Same or Different? What Our Body Tells Us

Frontiers in Psychology, REVIEW article 25.6.2019, Sec. Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 10 - 2019,

This article is part of the Research Topic: The Influence of Loud Music on Physical and Mental Health

"... the so-called bass-culture with a particular stress on the sheer acoustic materiality of the sub-bass register, ranging from about 20 to 60 Hz. Low-frequency noise ... extremely pervasive character: it is hardly attenuated by walls and other structures; it can rattle walls and objects; it masks higher frequencies; it crosses great distances with little energy loss; ear protection devices are less effective against it; it is able to produce resonance in the human body; and it causes great subjective reactions. ... Noise, in fact, can act as a non-specific biologic stressor that is able to elicit reactions that prepare the body for fight or flight. ... vibroacoustic disease (VAD) ... nervous system, heart, blood vessels, lymphatics, and respiratory tissues, together with tissue reorganization and neo-formation. ... noise pollution in general may have temporary and permanent effects on humans (and other mammals)."

"... high levels of low-frequency noise can excite vibrations in the human body, particularly the chest region, which resonates in the range of 50–80 Hz; there is also a 30–40-Hz resonant frequency response for the forehead and face and a 80–90-Hz frequency response for the back of the skull ... It should be noticed, further, that especially in bass culture music with its celebration of the low frequencies, it is held that listening exceeds mere audition by activating the sonic conjunction with amodal perception, in the sense that the bass is not just heard but also felt. ... Exposure to noise with sufficient intensity and duration can alter the psychological and physical state, with demonstrable auditory and non-auditory effects on human beings."

"... Several physical effects after acute and chronic exposure to loud sounds have been found, such as cochlear pathology (hair cell loss, spiral ganglion cell apoptosis, and cochlear nerve degeneration), damage to connective tissue, cardiovascular deterioration, and a whole list of symptoms that are grouped under the term “vibroacoustic disease,” embracing mild or severe lesions in the nervous system, heart, blood vessel, lymphatics, and respiratory tissues."

"... Given the widespread use of electronically amplified music for long periods via smartphones, noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) has been observed in younger people. Thus, NIHL, both temporary and permanent, is a recognized effect of excessive and prolonged exposure to music. The problem of NIHL is a major one. Exposures that damage hearing are not necessarily painful or annoying. After overexposure, moreover, the hearing loss may apparently recover (temporary threshold shift) or stabilize at an elevated level, though apparent recovery may reflect inadequacy in the hearing testing techniques available. There are, in fact, many sites of noise-induced damage in the ear."

"... Care should be taken, further, with respect to broadly accepted ways of listening to sound levels above the threshold of discomfort. Liking such overstimulation is likely to spiral into patterns of addiction."

See references for these quotes and more details in Music and Noise: Same or Different? What Our Body Tells Us, Frontiers in Psychology, REVIEW article 25.6.2019, Sec. Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 10 - 2019


"Feeling the sound can be dangerous to your health"

A Comprehensive Review By Bart P. Billings, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist, Colonel (Retired), USA, posted 1.7.2021 (Clinical Psychologist, Reserve Army Officer, president of a loudspeaker company with exposure to the entertainment industry from production of musical theater to directing large community events, and father of two girls who love music). Edited Article in "NAVY MEDICINE" January-February 2002 (pp.22-26).

The first sentence is quoted from the PDF version published with the title:
"Feeling the music can be dangerous to your health"

"Long term exposure to excessive levels of High Intensity Low Frequency (HI/LF) sound, such as that produced by highly amplified bass music, airplanes, racing cars, battle field noise, etc. can not only be physically harmful, but can cause complications that can lead to death."

"... research (The Clinical and Physiopathology Basis Aspects of the Vibroacoustic Syndrome) has indicated visual problems, epilepsy, stroke type neurological deficiencies and psychic disturbances, i.e. anxiety, depression and hostility. Patients diagnosed with Vibroacoustic Syndrome have an increased risk of thromboembolism. Also discovered were central nervous system lesions, vascular lesions with predominant involvement of peripheral small arteries (internal thickening) in almost all areas of the body."

"... Whole body sound vibrations have been known to be a stressor, to cause homeostatic imbalance and disease. Prolonged exposure to whole body vibration and sound is also known to interfere with human behavior and performance."

"... "low frequency sound pulses, at or near a person's heart rate, seem to cause the human system to lock in to the sound generator". Once this occurs, changes in the frequency or rate of sound causes corresponding changes in the person's heart rate, as well as changes in other physical functions, a process known as entrainment. What has been indicated in the world of video games is that, the ones with the best graphics are not most popular, but the games that have a low frequency pulse, near the heartbeat rate, that accelerates as the game progresses, are played more often. ... Thus, when auditory entrainment causes a persons heart rate to speed up, and an accompanying production of adrenaline and endorphins takes place, the end result of the movie or video game is that the person is "hyped" and wants more."

"... It is also known that the Nazi's during W.W.II experimented on prisoners and actually tortured prisoners with HI/LF sound. They even developed a weapon that produced high intensity sound which was powered by compressed air since they did not have the technology at the time to use powerful amplifiers. During the Persian Gulf War, combat stress chambers were used with success. This provided a stress free environment devoid of the high intensity noise previously described. It allowed soldiers, with the use of bio feedback equipment and comfortable auditory and visual stimuli, to change EEG brain wave activity and return to a higher level of functioning. It appears that reduction in environmental noise was a significant part of the combat chambers success along with other neuropsychological factors."

"... He related an incident when his company had a sound demonstration where there were several large sub-woofers in a small enclosed area all playing at the same time. Although he had ear protection on, he stated that after his exposure to this HI/LF sound, he felt like he was "physically beat on" and was exhausted after the demonstration. This exhaustion lasted for a significant period of time. This experience is consistent with cell damage inflicted by the sound waves on the body. It's interesting that the total time of exposure was minimal but the effects were lasting."

"... he explained that you can only hear low frequency down to a certain level and anything below that is not really heard but felt. What occurs below this level is a pressure change in the room that can be felt by the body. HI/LF sound becomes even more damaging when it contains HI/LF harmonics (multiples of frequencies) that can cause rapid physical displacement which can approximate the effects of an explosion. Therefore, at extreme high intensity of low frequency alone, the damage is not as great as when there are rapid changes, either boosting the amplitude (sound level) or dropping it rapidly - this is when most damage occurs, and at extremes, it can kill you like an explosion. This variable sound level is consistent with highly amplified concerts to the extent of some concerts using actual explosives as special effects (as far back as the 1812 Overture)."

"... At extreme HI/LF sound levels, the body can experience nonauditory effects i.e. (1) physiological responses and health outcomes other than hearing loss, (2) performance and behavioral effects, (3) sleep disturbances and (4) communication interference."

See references for these quotes and more details in the Edited Article published in "NAVY MEDICINE" January-February 2002 (pp.22-26) "Feeling the sound can be dangerous to your health", A Comprehensive Review By Bart P. Billings, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist, Colonel (Retired), USA, posted 1.7.2021 (Clinical Psychologist, Reserve Army Officer, president of a loudspeaker company with exposure to the entertainment industry from production of musical theater to directing large community events, and father of two girls who love music), or in the PDF version published with the title "Feeling the music can be dangerous to your health" .





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